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Kentucky Power awards grants to eastern Kentucky teachers

March 22, 2024

ASHLAND, Ky., March 22, 2024 – AEP Teacher Vision Grants from Kentucky Power support projects of local educators that enhance student learning. The AEP Teacher Vision Grant program provides aid ranging from $100 to $500 to classroom teachers.

Bob Shurtleff, external affairs manager, presents the Teacher Vision Grant to Phelps High School teacher, Patrick Lester.

“These grants are designed to reward the talents and creativity of Pre-K through grade 12 educators devoted to motivating youth to think creatively, to step into leadership roles and to address the challenges of the future,” said Bob Shurtleff, external affairs manager.

Kentucky Power awarded the AEP Teacher Vision Grants to:

  • Karen Hall, Valley Elementary School, $500
    • Heat press machine and other equipment to create a shirt making lab for students in STEM.
  • Kim Weddington, Valley Elementary School, $500
    • Cricut Explore equipment and other vinyl bundles to supply a shirt making lab for students in STEM.
  • Kari Mayhorn, Phelps Elementary School, $500
    • Laser cutter and engraver for STEM lab.
  • Patrick Lester, Phelps High School, $500
    • Media equipment upgrade for students to produce the school news show.

Educators who live or teach in the AEP service area or in communities with major AEP facilities are eligible to apply for the mini-grants. Projects that have an academic focus and a goal of improving student achievement are eligible for consideration. AEP has a special interest in science, mathematics, technology, electrical safety and the balanced study of energy and the environment. 

Each year, the AEP Teacher Vision Grant program awards up to $70,000 across the company’s 11-state service territory. For more information on the AEP Teacher Vision Grant program and other AEP education initiatives, visit aep.com/go/education.

Kentucky Power, with headquarters in Ashland, provides electric service to approximately 163,000 customers in 20 eastern Kentucky counties. Kentucky Power is an operating company in the AEP system, one of the largest electric utilities in the United States, delivering electricity and custom energy solutions to 5.4 million regulated customers in 11 states. AEP also owns the nation’s largest electricity transmission system. AEP’s headquarters are in Columbus, Ohio.


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